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Neil MacKay
Dyslexia Friendly Strategies & Support

Feedback I have received about my work

Staff are still talking about how inspirational your INSET was. We are in the process of putting together a plan for next year to firmly embed your ideas.
The combination of your address to the plenary session at the start, working with individual departments and your presentation to parents and others proved to be remarkably successful. Indeed, overall, it was one of the most successful visits of its kind I have ever seen. Moreover the way you engaged with our staff, some of whom have been quite resistant to some of these notions was outstanding. It is a real gift you have and I thank you for your work with us.
Thank you once again for a very thought provoking and enjoyable day, which is already having a positive and immediate impact upon the learning for all the children in our school.
I shared the ideas and methods that I learned in the course with my colleagues in a sharing session after the final examination in the 2015-2016 school year. I recommended colleagues to attend this course as this is the most stimulating and inspiring course that I, as a teacher with more than 20 years of experience, have ever attended. Not only is the course presenting theories, it also introduces a lot of practical teaching ideas, teaching aids and resources such as websites to colleagues. I will suggest the principal to allocate funds and human resources to build up teaching materials and aids such as vocabulary writing cards with sound boxes, alphabet arcs and clothes line and pegs for sentence building, etc.
A fantastic afternoon & SO very timely for us as we had planned this very week to introduce Reciprocal reading to our Primary 3 classes! I will absolutely take your point on board about technology in particular dictionaries and see how we can find a way to integrate this more....... Thank you for discussing things with us - we will be incorporating the writing techniques from tomorrow starting with a session on brainstorming :) Leigh Wilson-Brown
I used your story writing lesson plan for an observation and got great results from many of my boys but also from a handful of girls who uncharacteristically wrote a story opening of 2 + pages. Thank you for the really useful training. Laura James.
The day was great, many positive comments since, and some good work going on.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for such a stimulating and thought provoking staff meeting yesterday. The staff left inspired and there has already been a lot of discussion this morning. It was a pleasure finally meeting you and I hope we have the opportunity to maintain a link and work with you again in the near future. Kind regards
You were very inspirational and also practical which as you know for teachers is everything!!
One teacher came to my office before 8.30 on Monday to show me what she described as the best written work a student had produced. These and more without me yet asking for any outcomes! There's such a buzz about the place and everyone is on board. Well done you!
The feedback has been great from the staff. More importantly one of our staff who has struggled previously has hit the ground running this year. There have been immediate spin offs from the PD with staff keen to let me know where some of the simpler strategies are already being used in class.
Rarely have I felt so inspired at the beginning of new school year and so focused on what I know I must do. The feedback from staff about the training that you delivered yesterday was extremely positive and I really believe that we will see a lot of your ideas in action very quickly. Thank you on behalf of us all. I know the time you spent with us yesterday will make a difference to the students at ……… College.
Thank you for all your hard work on Friday – the Conference was a huge success, thanks to you and many people said they would have happily listened to you all day.
Good Morning Neil, Rarely have I felt so inspired at the beginning of new school year and so focused on what I know I must do. The feedback from staff about the training that you delivered yesterday was extremely positive and I really believe that we will see a lot of your ideas in action very quickly. Thank you on behalf of us all. I know the time you spent with us yesterday will make a difference to the students at ..........College. We will collate the information from the evaluation sheets and send you a copy.
Hi Neil Thought you might like a few quotes from last week. “Very interesting, informative, thought provoking” “As usual Neil Mackay brilliant!” “Thank you! Very visual hands on – just how I like it!” “A very entertaining thought –provoking and useful conference – Thank you!” “Good balance between theory and practical advice” “Inspiring and reassuring” “Fantastic!! Great to hear advice from someone who has ‘been there’ (in the classroom)” “Thank you for an interesting and thoroughly informative afternoon… everyone should come!”
We have had so many positive reactions to your talk and the conference as a whole. Thank you again!
On the way home [From "Working with your child at home"] I was asking Chris [my son] what he thought of the day and asking him what he had learnt. His reply made me smile (I'm sure you mentioned something about self-esteem), he said "I learnt that I'm very talented", - well what can you say to that?
Orkney Learning Festival - Feedback from the LF was very good overall and your courses were highly praised.
Hi Neil, It was great hearing you again in East Sussex..inspiring. Am having a lot of feedback from schools who seem buzzing with it.
Thanks Neil, Staff response has been really positive, with everyone finding the training very useful. This is an excellent starting point for us. Thank you.
A big thank you again for your workshop. It was very much appreciated by all and we have been having some great feedback. We went out today and bought lots of pastel-shaded paper and will use this after we've used up the last of our white
I was part of the group of Salford teachers who attended your training last Thursday and wanted to thank you. As SENCO I was responsible for organising our involvement and was greeted on Friday by the majority of colleagues not only with a smile - unusual in itself on a Fri morning - but also with thanks for the training. That was a first. The most common words used to describe the training were practical and inspirational.
I had no previous experience working with students with special educational needs which is why I came to your seminars. So I just thought I'd write to say how engaging and informative your seminars were. I attended 'dyslexia as a learning preference' and 'notice and adjust strategies for a busy classroom'. You made me aware of so many little tactics that can make the running of the classroom that bit more exciting but wholly educational at the same time.
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Client Feedback

I used your story writing lesson plan for an observation and got great results from many of my boys but also from a handful of girls who uncharacteristically wrote a story opening of 2 + pages. Thank you for the really useful training. Laura James.
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