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Neil MacKay
Dyslexia Friendly Strategies & Support

Brochure of training and consultancy opportunities for the coming academic year


The professional development opportunities outlined in the brochure have been inspired by my appreciation of the pressures schools face at present  - specifically the requirement to meet the needs of a growing number of "stuck" pupils with less and less support available from outside.  Recognising that schools have to rely more and more onto their own resources my training events can be put together on a "pick and mix" basis to support class teachers to take classroom action - maybe more personalised differentiation, asking for alternative evidence of achievement and monitoring the impact through assessment for learning.  The key principle behind much of my training is to find ways to help vulnerable individuals without always needing to give individual help – it is all about taking effective “classroom action”.


The brochure outlining my training and consultancy can be downloaded here.

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Client Feedback

A big thank you again for your workshop. It was very much appreciated by all and we have been having some great feedback. We went out today and bought lots of pastel-shaded paper and will use this after we've used up the last of our white
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